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  • russell March 11, 2013, 10:49 am

    She’d be right at home.

  • Eric Levin March 11, 2013, 10:57 am

    Joe: You’re younger than me, so when I look at this picture (in which the world-famous enigmatic smile could be the Mona Lisa’s way of telling the photographer, ‘Nice shot’), I think, “Oof. Joe’s still young enough that when he crouches to get a low angle, he can still get up.” In truth, I can crouch if I have to, but the speed going down and especially back up is more like a freight elevator in those old buildings where you find a lot of your wonderful chiaroscuro workplaces.

  • Alain D March 11, 2013, 8:12 pm

    Uptown, Queens & Louvres.
    I like (as always when you work that way) you restrained palette of colors. It is a language in itself that I find very strong.
    I also recognise your personnal approach, full faced with subtle angles. A close subject treated as a plane, associated with other “departing” views (I cannot put it any better – hope you dig it).

  • nemadeka March 12, 2013, 3:32 pm

    That IS a marvel!
    Thanks a zillion!
    I’ve had a horrible day hoping that my perseverence would be rewarded.
    It was.
    Thank you very much for posting your great work, Joseph. It is simply great.

  • patrice perez March 13, 2013, 12:49 pm

    j’ADORE !!!! ce symbole de notre Louvre dans le Métro New Yorkais , c’est l’Art à la portée de Toutes et Tous ;
    ET Mona Lisa aurait surement pris le Métro ;-))

    Merci Joe :-)

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