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Times Square

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  • Olivier July 25, 2011, 6:21 am

    ca fait tres surveillance d’un privé ;) une belle photo qui raconte une histoire, comme je les aime

  • singe July 25, 2011, 7:50 am

    Dammit, I knew failing French year after year in high school would catch up with me somewhere down the road but in 1964 I never could have imagined it would be in cyber space or even that there would be a cyber space!
    Anyhow focusing on the image in the shiny car is an amazing idea. Took me awhile to figure out how the “actual” people could be fuzzy while the reflection could be crystal clear. Thanks for giving my brain a jump start this morning Joe.

  • russell July 25, 2011, 8:31 am

    Joe’s figured out how to slow down the speed of light. ;)

  • MarkG August 18, 2011, 4:40 pm

    This calls attention to how our brains automatically filter out or ignore the light reflections on our tv screens, windows, phone screens–and the sides of cars.
    This photo removes that filter and directs us to see what we tend to ignore, the beautiful colors in the reflection. And momentarily ignore the apparent hard reality of the people on the street. You opened up the “doors of perception” for an instant and allowed me to take a one-minute trip, without the hangover. That was fun.

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