I watched a bit ov TV while in Italy not very long ago. And there was that program (humourous I guessed) where we would see a pig butt hanging from it’s hook at a butcher, and a woman in a tiny gym suit, also hanging from a hook, with her butt facing the camera. I didn’t understand what it was all about, of course, but I was quite surprised to see such a “comparison” on TV.
You made an amazing picture of a peculiar scene. The european butchers in Montreal, who used to hang their meat cuts in window displays still a few years back, have had all their displays removed. And where I go buy my cheeses now have them all wrapped in two to three layers of clingwrap celluloid.
I remember too in Spain talking to an American guy who was much impressed by the meat diplayed in open air in a market.
JerryPJuly 23, 2012, 1:12 pm
I’m not sure about the “always” Joe. This has only been going on for millennia.
Someone in our current “civilization” will surely just make it a memory.
Good on capturing it before it’s gone.
I watched a bit ov TV while in Italy not very long ago. And there was that program (humourous I guessed) where we would see a pig butt hanging from it’s hook at a butcher, and a woman in a tiny gym suit, also hanging from a hook, with her butt facing the camera. I didn’t understand what it was all about, of course, but I was quite surprised to see such a “comparison” on TV.
You made an amazing picture of a peculiar scene. The european butchers in Montreal, who used to hang their meat cuts in window displays still a few years back, have had all their displays removed. And where I go buy my cheeses now have them all wrapped in two to three layers of clingwrap celluloid.
I remember too in Spain talking to an American guy who was much impressed by the meat diplayed in open air in a market.
I’m not sure about the “always” Joe. This has only been going on for millennia.
Someone in our current “civilization” will surely just make it a memory.
Good on capturing it before it’s gone.
Could make Soylent Green seem appetizing…
Beautifully macabre.