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Thanksgiving Day, 2005

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  • Alain D November 23, 2012, 8:31 pm

    Very well balanced, lightwise, colorwise, framewise, depthwise, timewise, placewise.
    You have captured an event happening in a large and wide place with mastery. You have retained the distance’s humidity in the air, keeping it a natural photograph. Yet your picture is clear and quite precise up to 7th Avenue, just what’s fine ; Beyond that, it probably would have become a cold, lifeless and rigid picture, and would lack the emotional content. In comparison to many photographers, you seem to understand, and probably recognise, what makes for a warm picture. By including the closer and smaller crowd, with it’s darker tones, you manage to keep to a human scale what is in fact a large event in this wide open space. Well I think I’m enthusiastic about this one…

  • Mike November 26, 2012, 10:51 pm

    You have the best view here :)

  • Gezilecek Yerler April 19, 2013, 4:51 pm

    Nice colors from the garden.

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