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Also have a look at my Texters, a slideshow on Flickr.


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  • Alain D June 17, 2011, 4:06 pm

    O the Light – the Light – the Light !

    Soon MoMA will require a portfolio of it’s own !

  • singe June 19, 2011, 8:22 am

    So true Alain. From various levels including the sculpture garden the framing of the buildings to it’s north mesmerizes me.

  • Arie Bakker June 19, 2011, 10:44 am

    Not only the light… I also love the levels of being all alone and in a group! Fantastic, Joe!
    Have to visit MOMA myself once!!!

  • Jessyel Ty Gonzalez June 29, 2011, 1:30 pm

    Damn. That’s too gorgeous. Love the context/message. Lovely light. Beautiful composition. Great as always, Joe.

  • Alain D June 29, 2011, 9:37 pm

    Oh Singe, yeah ! the sculpture garden is something indeed, but the view toward it, from inside the MoMA, when you see the lined building is an exhibition in itself. But all Joe’s pictures revealing moments almost intimate of the public are also great stuff. – Didn’t we discuss that already, some time ago ? It’s true we’ve been around here for quite a bit now. We first exchanged on a Madonna icon. OK, I’m straying away now …

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