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Introducing a new photo series, “Monsters.”

In December 2012, New York’s Museum of Modern Art invited visitors to step in front of Philip Worthington’s “Shadow Monsters” installation, a white screen that projected their silhouettes onto the Moma Atrium walls, turning them into crazy monsters and animals.

While the projections were charming, I was more interested in the way visitors twisted and contorted their bodies and faces before dozens of watching museum-goers, a study in body language, dance, theater, and self-consciousness.

See the entire series on my portfolio site.


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Judy January 11, 2013, 12:49 pm

    Wow! I loved these…one can make up a whole story of each participant from their poses.

  • Alain D January 11, 2013, 8:28 pm

    Quite interesting idea. And of course very well done.
    I think (but I’m still hesitating) that the approach with a simple white background is the one I like best. The way people a softly lit from behind; fascinating that while/because most of their facial expressions remain invisible, their body language does all the talking. Enough to recognise and enjoy a pretty wide variety of personnalities.
    In the same spirit somehow as the AMNH series.

  • Kenney Mencher January 14, 2013, 2:41 am

    These are really beautiful images. Cool to see how the people who posed . . .posed. I can’t believe how great the light and shadow were captured. Color is awesome too. Besides a great idea really great execution.

  • Stacy January 17, 2013, 6:24 pm

    Awesome, I love the poses!

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