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This shot from 2005 is one of twelve prints I’m showing at Jen Bekman Gallery as The Urban Wilderness.

Sunday is the final day of the show, but tonight, Wednesday January 26, I’ll be at the gallery from 5:00 – 7:00 for my own final visit. (I fly out to San Francisco on Thursday.)

Please stop by and say hi if you can, or catch the final days of the show: Weds through Sun, noon to 6:00. The gallery is at 6 Spring Street, just off Bowery.

Long Meadow, Prospect Park

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Olivier January 26, 2011, 6:19 am

    C’est magnifique, cette vue de central park sous la neige est grandiose

  • scamp (aka Shirley) January 26, 2011, 11:14 am

    I was in the city (from Texas) for a quick visit, and your exhibit was one that I had to see. Excellent! Someday I’ll own an original–right now I own two 20×200, and am still kicking myself for not getting one of the first of this series before it was sold out.

  • Roxana January 26, 2011, 11:34 am

    Hey Joe. I’m a long time follower and fan. I’ve been off the photoblogging map for a little while, but now I’m back…two kids later. : ) I love this image and this series. Excellent work.

  • Patrick M January 26, 2011, 6:48 pm

    Olivier, oui c’est radieux mais ce n’est pas une vue de Central Park. C’est un autre grand jardin public, Prospect Park dans Brooklyn.

  • Kevin Beers January 27, 2011, 12:24 pm

    Hi Joe, I thought I might run into you in the park this morning. Lots of snow and the sun briefly broke through the clouds. But apparently you headed out of town, assuming you were able to get a flight. I finally got to the gallery and saw the show. Not surprisingly I thought if was great. It is wonderful to see them in person, the level of resolution is quite amazing, almost surreal. It’s amazing that distant things can have so much detail, the details on the tiny figures and the texture in the distant trees. Great work. I recommend that anyone who hasn’t seen it get there quick before it closes.

  • Alain D January 27, 2011, 8:34 pm

    I badly wanted to be there and see them in person, too. But I’ve decided to go for a new camera. Still in a position of putting priorities in order. Hummm, and it’s not as if I was just out in New jersey or something.
    And whilke talking priorities, there used to be a time when it was easier to stumble upon Joe on Times Square than in Prospect Park. But the results are not going to make me longer for the former. Well, not so much. Not really, really, really.
    Really, I’ve lost all inhibition and I’m just saying foolinsh things; As much I enjoyed the urban scene through your lense, as much I enjoy the park’s large, empty and welcoming approach. You love both subjects because you can adapt to each of them, approach them differently. I know any good photographer would do that automatically. That is also why you can, but there’s sincerity in it I think. And yes, it would have been great to see your photographs in real. Next time. I’ll keep in tune.

  • Olivier Rault January 27, 2011, 11:16 pm

    I love this kind of shot! It’s beautiful, I love it!

  • Miles January 28, 2011, 4:49 pm

    These are great shots, and remind me of my childhood home where we had Bruegel prints on the walls.

  • Anthony February 1, 2011, 10:59 pm

    Great shot.

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