just found your blog and portfolio by browsing the web and I must say, I am really impressed by your photography and have to add you to my fav list !!! Thanks for your personal view of NY and your photography !!
JeanAugust 23, 2012, 5:34 pm
Welcome home. Hope the vacation was fun and restful.
You all were missed.
This is a great picture ! Beautiful light to enhance this moment of intimacy. Square framing adds a lot, too.
Welcome among the models, Mrs Holmes !
Hello Joe,
just found your blog and portfolio by browsing the web and I must say, I am really impressed by your photography and have to add you to my fav list !!! Thanks for your personal view of NY and your photography !!
Welcome home. Hope the vacation was fun and restful.
You all were missed.
paradise in again.
P.A.R.A.D.I.S.E. again!
Your Vermeer