MMM primary colors…. Which are oddly visible in windows of the building in the background, especially to the above right of the streetlight. Hmmm coincidence? ;-)
“So they close together
Dressed in RED and YELLOW
Innocent forever
Sleeping children in their BLUE soft rooms
Still dream”
-The Cure “Primary”
Happy Holidays Joe!
barbaraDecember 17, 2011, 9:26 am
I love balloons, too!!
Alain DDecember 18, 2011, 8:31 pm
TimmyG : Coincidence ?
To be seen like this side by side, yes, obviously. But to be framed in a picture, I don’t think so. I find Joe’s a real color photographer.
PeterDecember 19, 2011, 7:29 am
love the collors love the photo
MarkGDecember 19, 2011, 8:32 am
There sure is a lot of color for a Joseph O. Holmes photo.
JerryPDecember 20, 2011, 7:50 am
Whoo-hooo, balloons! colors! Very unconventional of you Joe which is great becasue I don’t subscribe with the “depression” of winter and not exhibiting bright colors.
In the hustle & bustle, the glitz and glamour of Manhattan living, these balloons are our steadfast reminder that the season is, in fact, jolly.
Nothing fancy to say; I just like this one a lot.
MMM primary colors…. Which are oddly visible in windows of the building in the background, especially to the above right of the streetlight. Hmmm coincidence? ;-)
“So they close together
Dressed in RED and YELLOW
Innocent forever
Sleeping children in their BLUE soft rooms
Still dream”
-The Cure “Primary”
Happy Holidays Joe!
I love balloons, too!!
TimmyG : Coincidence ?
To be seen like this side by side, yes, obviously. But to be framed in a picture, I don’t think so. I find Joe’s a real color photographer.
love the collors love the photo
There sure is a lot of color for a Joseph O. Holmes photo.
Whoo-hooo, balloons! colors! Very unconventional of you Joe which is great becasue I don’t subscribe with the “depression” of winter and not exhibiting bright colors.