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Every Friday throughout the summer I’ll post a favorite photo from the early days of joe’s nyc.

This one first appeared on an old version of my blog on February 6, 2006.

F Train

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Peter June 21, 2013, 7:58 am

    ohh i like this photo,

  • Alain D June 22, 2013, 11:33 am

    Looking back on your own work, choosing one shot over another, must be difficult somehow. Yet you probably see it differently and appreciate more those that were not necessarily your favorites at the time. And looking back obviously implies autocriticisim, some sort of filter that could reject good shots nevertheless. The exercise must be quite interesting though.
    All of this being a personnal impression, of course.
    I still derive pleasure from looking at those, for your work has played an important role in revealing to me where was my field of interest, as well as my hunting grounds, photographically.
    The same way the work of Jerry Shore has, quite recently, revealed to me what I am actually interested in looking at and how I want (and already had begun) to capture it. A sort of encouragement in delving deep into my own obsessions – artistically – and to go overbound, and develop a pictural language and story from what I like best and feel most.

  • kevin beers June 23, 2013, 7:34 am

    A perfect picture Joe. There is so much there but it all contributes to tell a story, no actually more to catch a moment. All the elements so connected it makes a sort of visual haiku. Very engaging.

  • John June 25, 2013, 3:29 pm

    sadly he’d have an ipad today! perfect capture of the words behind him!

  • russell claxton June 28, 2013, 10:59 am

    Appears to be reading Beneath the Wheel.

  • MICHELA July 10, 2013, 10:07 am

    When this picture first appeared on your blog I picked it and saved it. Sometimes I go back to watch it. You choosing it for your “friday-picks” shows that I made a right choice…

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